Robby Glantz Power Skating

Robby Glantz Power Skating is returning to Waltham on Monday, September 16th through Wednesday. September 18th at Veterans Memorial Rink in Waltham. There will be three sessions running from 5:00p-8:50p, they will be divided into age appropriate groups and assigned the week before the clinics begin. Limited spots are available at each age level.
Robby Glantz has been working with our travel skaters in Waltham Youth Hockey for over five years. Robby has been a power skating instructor to professional & amateur players all over the world for over 20+ years.
His sessions with the kids are fun, engaging, grueling and extremely helpful. Power Skating is not learning to skate, it's technically enhancing your stride, perfecting how to skate with your edges, forward and backwards with more power, speed, agility all while using less energy. You will be amazed at how improved your child’s stride is after just 3 sessions with Robby.
Power Skating at this point in time during the season serves two purposes:
1. Conditioning- 4 Hours of skating on 3 consecutive days this early in the season serves as a great way to get the legs in shape
2. Technically improving your son/daughter as a skater
Power skating is not just for Mites. If the Pros work with Power Skating coaches year round, our Squirts, Pee Wees, Bantams and Midgets will all benefit from this type of training as well.
We realize the cost of participating in youth hockey and understand the financial burden and time commitment for all involved with the sport. At just $140 for 3.5 hours of skating we feel the value to your young player is second to none.
As a program, we strive to break even on this program, keeping the price per child as low as possible so that we can to cover the costs incurred to offer this.
To learn more visit:
Robby Glantz Power Skating
Three Day Clinic:
Monday, September 16th through Wednesday, September 18th
Each day will have three sessions running from 5:00p to 8:50p. Sessions will be assigned by age-appropriate group before the clinics begin.
Waltham Veterans Memorial Rink
You must be a Waltham Youth Hockey player to participate.
Questions? Contact Ron Ayers @