Waltham 10K Dinner Fundraiser - March 21st
Join us for biggest fundraising event of the year the Waltham Youth Hockey 10K Dinner, Thursday, March 21st, 7:00p at the American Legion on Waverly Oaks Rd.
Tickets are $100 and include a dinner and a limited open bar for two (adults only!) In addition, each ticket will have the opportunity to win the $10,000 grand prize. Only 300 tickets will be sold (you can pick your number 1-300) first come, first served. (If you do not pick a number, one will be picked for you!)
All tickets must be paid for at the time of request via Cash, Venmo (@WYH50) or by Check to Waltham Youth Hockey.
To purchase your tickets or if you have any questions contact Amanda Moxley at amandamoxley@walthamyouthhockey.org or 781-367-5205.
We look forward to seeing you for a great evening outside of the rink!